Bull - CrossCopywriting.com

No More Excuses, Seize the Day, Seize Your Own Damn Success

The Harsh Truth is That You’re the Only One Who Can Make It Rain

Here’s the deal — You want financial success in business? Then it’s time to cut the crap and get serious. No more waiting around for someone to validate your ideas or give you permission. Business doesn’t work like that. Business waits for no man.

Grab the bull by the horns!

None of these recent ideas that certain groups want you to adapt and believe work, NONE OF THEM. They’re all nonsense and they’re even destructive, counterproductive. The only thing that will accomplish your dreams, make you money and accomplish your goals is you, hard work and good old fashioned hustle. Move your ass and don’t listen to the rest.

Harsh Truth

The truth is, no one is lining up to hand you money or make your dreams come true except you. You’re the only one who can make it happen. Want an idea to take off? Want to grow your existing business? Then it’s on you to make it a reality through sheer force of will and relentless action.

If you believe in the law of attraction and think you can wish or believe money into reality, you can’t. You can however, combine the law of attraction with dedicated and directed action. That WILL work. Use a bit of the spiritual and metaphysical mixed with the no-nonsense and practical, and you have a winning recipe. Also fix your self image a bit, and you’ll be on your way.


It doesn’t matter what stage your business is in— idea phase, startup, or years into operations. The principles are the same: go all in with a “balls to the wall” mindset. Step on the gas, kick some ass, and blow past any self-doubt or hesitation holding you back.


Move fast, break things if you have to, and get shit done. There’s no room for pussyfooting around. Half-measures and playing it safe lead nowhere in the ruthless world of business or in life. You either commit 100% and charge full steam ahead or get left behind.

Speed is everything in business. While others move at a leisurely pace, overthinking and over-calculating every move, the winners are taking action. They understand the game moves quickly — opportunities arise and windows close in an instant. You snooze, you lose.

In today’s weird and rapidly changing world, you can’t just dip your toes in the water tentatively. You need to dive in headfirst, make big bets, and be willing to break things along the way. That’s not giving you a pass to be reckless, but rather giving yourself permission to take calculated risks and learn through a “move fast and break new ground” mentality.

Waiting for the perfect time or conditions is a loser’s game because that perfect moment may never come. The winners act with urgency, learn through failing fast, and constantly iterate. They would rather ask for forgiveness than permission.

It’s simple — those who move with speed, hustle, and fierce urgency will quickly blow past the complacent competition stuck in outdated modes of paralysis by analysis. In today’s business world, the fast will eat the slow. Move fast, break things, and win.

In business, in marketing, in your whole mentality — it’s time for a full mindset reset. Quit making excuses, quit waiting for the perfect moment that may never come. The perfect time is now to take charge with urgency and grit.

Wrapping Up

No one will hand you success, you have to go out and seize it with both hands. Let your hunger and vision for something bigger fuel your hustle. Get honest with yourself, get focused, and start making big moves today. Your dreams are waiting, now go grab them by the horns and don’t let go until you make it rain.

And don’t think that I’m preaching, I’m speaking to myself as much as anyone else reading this. We’re all in the same boat.

For more insights on building your business and marketing, check out my past article: How John Deere Built Timeless Loyalty Through Its Green Legacy.

And for further information about leaving a legacy, read: How High Standards, Integrity, and Reliability Build Authority for Your Business.

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If you have any questions or want to talk through some of these marketing ideas or get help creating them, reach out to me any time at: David@crosscopywriting.com

For expert assistance on marketing your brand, contact CrossCopywriting.com.

For a practical guide to promote Traditional American Values: 20 Ways to Infuse Your Marketing with Strong Work Ethics and Traditional American Values download the guide HERE.